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Voice Activated Calculator
Nobody would guess that this totally operating desk leading calculator hides a secret. It's an ideal device for any private detective or private investigator in corporate or personal investigations as it would not arouse suspicion, as a calculator is frequent location in any property or office. There is no visible indication that this really is something but a calculator as the voice recording technique is hidden inside.
The calculator recorder utilizes an SD card, up to 32GB, which can store 570 hours of recording, and is battery powered, giving around 12 hours of sound activated recordings. The back of the calculator has to be removed, by the private investigator or private detective, to access these and to operate the start/stop control. The use of an SD card reader enables the private detective’s or private investigator’s evidence to be retrieved on his or her PC to support the investigation in progress. This is an really efficient device for covert surveillance as no one would suspect their conversations had been becoming recorded by such an innocuous item.
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